Fall Dumpster Dates
Pancake Breakfast
Sep. 15th
Acerca de
Road Maintenance
Maintenance Garage can be located at 51651 Betts Road, Wellington 44090 on the corner of Betts and Baird Roads. Please note that the maintenance garage does not receive mail.
Maintenance Foreman: Dan "Bud" Helms (440)-775-2441
About Our Department
Camden Township maintains 17.19 miles of road.
In 2022 Camden Twp. had Gifford Road Chip & Sealed from US 20 to Bronson (11,800') & Betts Road from SR 511 to Baird (4,800') both 18' wide. The work was again bid through the county engineer's office to get a lower price. Cost was $51,026 and was done by Melway Paving. Precision Paving patched approx. 9,860' of road in various places in the township for $15,674.
In 2021 Precision Paving patched approximately 4,770 sq. ft. of road for $6,947 & also did the approach of the driveway of the Recycle Bldg. for $1,827 with partially recycled material. Lorain County bid the Chip & Seal. Melway Paving was low bid & paved Bronson – SR 511 to Gifford, Plate Rd., Green – Bates S. To Twp. Limit, Baird – US 20 to Bates & Baird – Betts S. to Twp. Limit for $58,224.
In 2020 a 2020 Freightliner truck was purchased to replace the old truck for $135,752.
In 2020 the LC Chip & Seal Bid went to Crossroads for $71,999. Roads done were: Rowell from 303 to Austin, Mosher from Austin to twp line, Gifford from Bronson to Austin, Betts from Baird to Gore & Betts from Gore to Twp line.
In 2019 Henry W Bergman received the county bid for Chip & Seal. Baird from US 20 to Betts, Betts from SR 511 to Baird & Gifford from US 20 to Bronson were done for $85,765. Precision Paving did approx. 11,150 sq. ft. of patchwork for $16,474. The 2002 Dodge Pickup was replaced with a 2019 Ford in August.
In 2018 Henry W Bergman received the county bid for Chip & Seal. Baird from Bates to US 20, Betts from Gore Orphanage to Twp. line, Bronson from SR 511 to Gifford, Green from Bates to Twp. line, & Plate were done for $43,764. Precision Paving did approx. 17,250 sq. ft. of patchwork for $23,584.
In 2017 Melway received the county bid for Chip & Seal. Baird from south Twp. line to SR 303 & Gifford from Bronson to Austin were done for $50,783. Precision Paving did approx. 6,875 sq. ft. of patchwork for $11,747. In May purchased Freightliner dump truck for $128,783 to replace 1989 truck.
In 2016 Crossroads received the county bid for Chip & Seal. Baird from SR 303 to US 20, Betts from Sr 511 to county line, Bronson from SR 511 to Gifford, & Gifford from US 20 to Bronson were done for $70,616. Precision Paving did approx. 11,400 sq. ft. of patchwork for $17,200. We also received an OPWC grant for part of the work done at the intersection of Bates & Green. This is a joint project with the County & Wakeman Twp. The local portion is 26% of the project. D&M Earthmoving received the bid for $109,609. OPWC: $81,110 Twp: $28,499
In 2015 the township purchased a Ford F-550 to use in the Cemetery and places where the larger trucks don't work well for $78,000. A Kubota mini-excavator to clean ditches & dig graves for $51,190. 18' Trailer for $4,800 to haul the excavator.
In 2015 Sarver Paving Chip & Sealed 11,900' of Rowell Rd. & 1,850' of Mosher Rd. for $35,797. Precision spot patched 11,100 sq. ft. on various other roads for $17,200 & repaired the joint on Haigh for $300.
In 2014 Erie Blacktop was the low bidder on both Chip & Seal and paving contracts. They paved Haigh Rd. from Baird to the Village line as part of a OPWC grant. OPWC: $24,119 Twp: $8,474 This is being paved to try to prevent the excessive bleeding on Haigh. The grant paid for 74% of the project. Chip & Seal: Baird from US 20 to 303, from Betts to twp. line, from US 20 to Haigh & SR 303 south 4,150', Betts from SR 511 to Baird, Gifford from US 20 to SR 303, Green, Plate & Fire Station Parking Lot for $90,625. Precision Paving did 8,655 sq. ft. of patchwork for $15,600.
In 2013 Erie Blacktop was low bidder on the OPWC paving contract for Gifford Rd. from US 20 N. to Twp. line & 1 culvert replacement at $92,269. OPWC: $44,438 Twp: $37,830 Loan: $129 (Originally loan was $10,000 but invoice came in under bid & loan was reduced.) Chip & Seal low bid was Lytle Construction for Betts from Gore Orphanage to SR 511. Weather only permitted half project. $10,042
In 2012 Lytle Construction was low bidder on Chip & Seal at $48,152. Baird from Haigh to Bates, Betts from Gore Orphanage to SR 511, Bronson from SR 511 to Gifford, Green from Bates S 3,400'. Precision Paving did approx. 7,900 sq. ft. of patchwork on various roads for $11,080.
In 2011 Wolf Construction received the bid for the OPWC Grant for the Green Rd. Ditch & Retaining Wall Repair Project at $44,780. OPWC: $33,137 Twp: $11,643. Lytle Construction was low bid on Chip & Seal. Baird from Brighton line 9,500 ft, Baird S. of US 20 4' each side for 2 mi., Baird N. of US 20 500', Betts 4' each side SR 511 to Gore Orphanage, Bronson .7 mi. 4' each side, Haigh, at $55,000. Precision Paving patchwork on various roads for $15,490.
In 2010 R & I Construction was low bid on the joint OPWC Baird Rd Bridge #0369 N of SR 303 Project at $319,070. OPWC: $236,112 County: $41,479, Twp: $41,479. Lytle Construction was low bid on the Chip & Seal. Baird from SR 303 to old chip & seal, SR 303 N to US 20, US 20 to Bates, Bronson from Gifford to SR 511, Green from Bates to Twp. line, Haigh from Baird to Village limits, & Plate for $68,509.