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More Info


Kipton Village

Kipton Village Administrative Offices

Mailing Address:


299 State St. ● P.O. Box 177
Kipton, OH 44049

Office Hours are variable. Please call (440)775-2181 to schedule a time. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Police Department:


Chief Clif Barnes

(440) 775-2525



Robert Meilander

(440) 225-2234

Camden Recycling Center Rentals:

Please see the Camden Hall Rentals Page - click here for link.

Kipton Village Hall

Council Members

Karol Cornelius

(440) 281-3633

Karley Cantu

(440) 574-1025

Pattie Eschen

(419) 554-1029

Casey Ross

(440) 935-799

John Yakunovich

(440) 775-0257

Fiscal Officer

Sheila Lanning

(440) 387-3790


Council Meetings

Council Meetings are fourth Monday of each month at Kipton Village Hall. When fourth Monday is a Holiday, meeting will be rescheduled and posted.


horse drawn carriage

Kipton, Camden, Henrietta Memorial Parade/Program is the Sunday before Memorial Day. 

people planting flowers

Keep Lo. Co. Beautiful is the 3rd Saturday in May from 9 to noon. Everyone is welcome to help. Lunch is provided after.

trash on road

Bulk Trash Day is the 4th Wednesday after the first Monday of every month.


an elevation marker stating that downtown kipton is the highest point of elevation in lorain county at 857 ft above sea level

Downtown Kipton boasts the highest point of elevation in Lorain County at 857 feet above sea level.


In 1852 William Whitney platted the Village of Kipton around the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad depot. Originally named Binghamton, when the Post Office and Train Station changed their name to Kipton, the Villagers took that name by common consent.

Kipton was a thriving community until the railroad was abandoned in 1976. The population as of the 2020 census was 207.

The Great Kipton Train Wreck

April 19, 1891 was the date of the horrific train crash at the Kipton Depot. On that day a fast-moving mail train heading east collided with a passenger train heading west. The passenger train was scheduled to stop to let the mail train pass, but tragically, the passenger train conductor’s watch had stopped, and was four minutes off. Eight people lost their lives.

As a result, Webb C. Ball, a well-known watch maker was enlisted to investigate. He established watch performance and inspection standards which were adopted by the railroad industry. His attention to accuracy and promptness led to the saying, “Get on the Ball.”

black and white photo of a train wreck from 1891

Kipton Community Park

This is a lovely park in the middle of the Village with playground equipment, an adult exercise station, and the North Coast Inland Trail running through it. There is a pavilion for gatherings with picnic tables and grill stations available. It is a popular destination for bikers and families to take a break.

playground at kipton community park
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